Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn


A note to the author: Gillian Flynn! I picture you writing this book while rubbing your hands in a villainous manner and laughing maniacally. Also, I don’t think I am wrong in thinking that a sequel is plausible. These characters are seriously down the rabbit hole of psychoses.

A note to the reader: I tried not to include spoilers. That said, read at your own discretion!

Gone Girl is one of the en vogue books in my stack. Several of my friends have read it and enjoyed it. However, when I took a glance at the Goodreads page (without reading spoilers), I couldn’t help but notice Gone Girl was either getting 4 to 5/5 stars or 1 to 2/5 stars from reviewers…Great, Gone Girl is going to be like olives. You either love them or you hate them.

Flynn is delicious in her descriptions of characters and setting. Personally, she gives the right amount of detail without coming off as droning or verbose. Oh yes, there are definite twists in the book. So, if you love being side smacked off of a plot line, this one is a doozy!

I think my ultimate praise to Flynn has to be of her creation of the next great literary villain. Someone who possesses a cold-hearted, calculated evil. Someone along the lines of Annie Wilkes or Hannibal Lecter. Callous in nature, but believing their actions necessary in order to teach the ones they “love” important lessons. I’m chilled just thinking about it. If you encounter a person like this in real life, RUN, do not walk (if they let you).

On a lighter note, there was a song referenced several times in the book, but I highly doubt many have heard it. I am unsure if they played it in the film, as I haven’t seen it yet. So, for some auditory context, in order to enhance your reading experience of Gone Girl: “Bony Moronie

Books read: 7

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  1. Pingback: The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins | Bookstravaganza YEG·

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